Sunday, May 26, 2024

Hillary Clinton Blames Women Voters for her Loss to Trump

 Karen Townsend – HotAir 

Hillary lost because she was unlikeable. She didn't bother to campaign in Wisconsin. She called half the country 'deplorables.' She deserved to lose to her former friend Donald Trump. 

  "Hillary Clinton has blamed everyone under the sun for her loss in 2016 to Donald Trump, except herself. Eight years later, she blames women voters for not supporting her run for president.

"Hillary gave an extensive interview for a book coming out about abortion and the Supreme Court's decision in Dobbs that sent abortion back to the states. She criticized Democrats for not fighting harder against former President Trump's choices for the Supreme Court. 

"Clinton said she lost women voters because of the investigation into her use of a private email server. There was also the matter of the thousands of emails she deleted. 

Clinton reflected on the role that sexism played in the 2016 campaign, claiming that FBI director James Comey re-opened a last-minute investigation into her private email to raise questions about her judgment, calling her “extremely careless.”

That widely-covered move cost her the race — and the female vote, she speculated.

“But once he did that to me, the people, the voters who left me, were women,” she told the Times.

“They left me because they just couldn’t take a risk on me, because as a woman, I’m supposed to be perfect. They were willing to take a risk on Trump — who had a long list of, let’s call them flaws, to illustrate his imperfection — because he was a man, and they could envision a man as president and commander in chief.”

"Poor Hillary. Always the victim." . . .

Tulsi Gabbard Exposes The DARK TRUTH About Hillary’s Evil Machine

"Tulsi Gabbard Exposes The DARK TRUTH About Hillary's Evil Machine | 'It All Starts With Epstein...' "

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