Sunday, May 26, 2024

"Lets crank it up here, Sir"; Biden West Point Speech: Brain Breaks, Tells Tall Tales, 'Please Clap' Moment, With Embarrassing End; UPDATED, 5/27

RedState "Joe Biden is in Wilmington, Delaware, for yet another vacation. He did, however, take a brief sojourn from the vacation to go to West Point to deliver the commencement address. 

"Biden previously gave a commencement address that got heavily criticized -- and rightly so -- for being a race-baiting mess. " . . .
"Other speakers spoke about what leadership meant and duty, honor, and country. What a thought, that you have Biden then speaking to them -- a man who constantly lies and makes up things out of whole cloth. And he went right there, with another huge lie, when he finally spoke to the class. He of course spoke about football. He said that he was given an appointment to the Naval Academy but he claimed he didn't go because Roger Staubach and Joe Bellino were playing there. 

. . ." 'Never forget that America is the strongest when we lead not only by the example of our power but the power of our example," he said. Then no one clapped, and that apparently irked him. "You can clap for that," he groused.

"Then came the diplomas.  But this was something else. After Biden had been handing out the diplomas for a short while, he was interrupted by one of the West Point officials and moved to the back. You can hear the officer say, "Let's crank it up," and then they had to speed up the process: 

UPDATE, 5/27: comment from "students" on Biden's speech:

Some answers from 'Joe Biden delivered a speech at U.S. Military Academy at West Point today. What do you think the students there think of him?'

Gerald F: 'What any non-Woke American soldier would think: What the Hell did we do to deserve this shambling cadaver's stumbling accolades?'

Dave J: 'Those of polite, conservative leanings and background, were quietly embarrassed and sad. Those of liberal leanings, were ideologically blinkered and wallowed in the glory of his blithering senility and ineptitude.'

Susan M: 'I hope they were disgusted but I didn't hear it.'


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