Tuesday, August 16, 2011

American press and Conservatives; treat 'em like suspects (Updated)

Gregory Scolds Bachmann for Listening to Public Opinion on Debt Ceiling   "On top of this, Gregory is certainly no one to point fingers about knowing the "true financial impact" of not raising the debt ceiling as he completely negected to determine that for his viewers when he interviewed treasury secretary Timothy Geithner in July.
"Maybe if the "Meet the Press" host had grilled Geithner with the same intensity he did Bachmann, the nation would have been far better informed of the "true financial impact" of such a move:"...

Naturally this from CNN: Could a black man win the GOP nomination?  "Certainly Cain has already thought about and to a small degree talked about what it means to be a black Republican running against a Democrat who also happens to be the country's first black president."
Chris Matthews: News Organizations Are 'Going to Spend Every Nickel They Have' Investigating Rick Perry   "Instead, having completely abdicated their journalistic responsibilities in order to assist the inexperienced junior senator from Illinois attain the highest office in the land, media members are now going to bring all forces to bear to discredit any serious challengers to ensure his reelection."

Newsweek's Queen of Sleaze: Tina Brown Assaults 'Crazy' Conservatives   ""The truth of the matter is that [Comedy Central's Daily Show host] Jon Stewart, at this point, is the only trusted branch of government. You know, I mean, in the end, Stewart and Colbert, really are like the Huntley and Brinkley of today, in the sense that people really, really trust them.""
-Brown on ABC's Good Morning America, October 27, 2010.

"...Then what happens?” The conservative author confidently predicted: “Well, the media will blame the Republicans.”
"And that’s precisely what has occurred."
These shows still play, so know this: 'Law and Order' Pushes Anti-Conservative Agenda  " Protestors outside the lecture hall chanted "One. two, three, four. Barlow is a right-wing whore." That's actually slightly more creative than the chants liberals usually shout. (A word that rhymes with "Hitler" is hard to find.) The lecture was disrupted when liberals in the audience started shouting over Barlow."

"Brothers [and] Sisters":  Gay man refers to Republicans as, wait for it....Neanderthals.

  "Somaiya kept to his benighted left-wing theme throughout his early coverage, even though the looters stole not basics like food but luxury items like smart phones and televisions, looting that was itself organized over social media via smart phone technology."
And on and on and on and.......

Monday, August 15, 2011

Mark Steyn on the Riots in London

"Mark, you had me at “Marinated children of dependency…”
"It’s a dirty little secret but someone had to spell it out and Mark Steyn certainly did just that. Steyn won this EUG over during his talk with Neil Cavuto this past Saturday while discussing the riots in London and the failed and wicked socialist state.
"Not sure, but I think a shiver may have just gone up my leg. (ewww!!) "

The Ames Straw Poll

Ames Straw Poll: A Little Perspective  "Michele Bachmann is a top tier candidate and popular with both evangelicals and the tea party voters. Ron Paul has a hard core group of followers who specialize in micro events because it gives them an excuse to get out of mommy's basement. Tim Pawlenty has a charisma deficit and has dropped out.
"The Ames straw poll told us all of that. But then again, we already knew all of that. So I ask again: 16 thousand folks -- what's the big deal? Or more importantly, should it really be that big of a deal, or are we just calling it a big deal because others are calling it a big deal?"
Iowa GOP Debate
Rick Moran: Pawlenty withdraws;  "There was a time when Pawlenty was seen as the major alternative to Romney. But two lackluster debate performances and an inability to generate much enthusiasm for his candidacy in Iowa pretty much quashed that notion.
"Rick Santorum is also mulling an exit and we may hear from him later today."

Where Pawlenty went wrong   "With that said, if Pawlenty did want to be a conservative alternative to Romney, it was imperative for him to explain why Romney was insufficiently conservative."

On flash mobs and rioters

American Thinker: The Idle Poor and Sturdy Rogues   "If the riots prove anything, they prove that the failure to come to grips with the need to draw the distinction, no matter difficult that may be, between those who deserve compassion and assistance and those who do not, has proven disastrous -- a disaster the United States may see sooner rather than later."

"More than 20 young people simultaneously entered the convenience store at around 1:30 a.m., leaving with snack items such as candy, soda pop and chips, said Germantown 5th district Cmd. Luther Reynolds."

Ever wonder how flash mobs learn where to gather? I don't care to make this known, but this was found on a search of "flash mobs". And this.

How Feminism Became a Joke

Forbes  "Feminism was always based on the idea that women have it harder than men. These days, people just aren’t buying it. The stock market has gone haywire, unemployment is endemic, and some women are beginning to see that feminism’s segregationist, mollycoddling politics have done more harm than good."

                                                                                                 By Susannah Breslin 

A Devastating Blow to Obamacare

The government’s position amounts to an argument that the mere fact of an individual’s existence substantially affects interstate commerce, and therefore Congress may regulate them at every point of their life. This theory affords no limiting principles in which to confine Congress’s enumerated power….
The federal government’s assertion of power, under the Commerce Clause, to issue an economic mandate for Americans to purchase insurance from a private company for the entire duration of their lives is unprecedented, lacks cognizable limits, and imperils our federalist structure.
More from Heritage: A Stunning Victory for the Constitution over Obamacare  "The carefully worded and thorough (over 300 page) set of opinions may be a bit mind-numbing for the uninitiated, but they are a joy to read for those of us who think the words of the Constitution actually mean something beyond whatever an activist Congress, President, and pliant judge want them to mean."

Distinguishing Wickard  "Another interesting portion of the Eleventh Circuit’s decision striking down the individual mandate is its discussion of Wickard v. Filburn. As the court’s opinion notes, the Supreme Court (in Lopez) characterized Wickard as “perhaps the most far reaching example of Commerce Clause authority over intrastate activity.” As a consequence, the Eleventh Circuit concluded, Wickard “provides perhaps the best perspective on an economic mandate” and would need to be distinguished were the mandate to be struck down. With this in mind, below the jump are portions of the Eleventh Circuit’s discussion of Wickard."

George Will: Making Presidential Race A Referendum On GOP Nominee Is “Barack Obama’s Best Hope”/ Demonizing of the TEA Party

Mediaite  "Barack Obama’s best hope is the Republican nominating electorate. He does not want this to be a referendum on his record, he wants it to be a referendum on the fitness for office of the Republican nominee."
Democrats will level accusations against the Republican nominee with little regard for the absurdity of them. The press will then get the conservative to spend their time denying these charges and the focus will be off of Obama. TD

Tea Party demonization continues  "Do you know what all of this means? Of course you do. The Democrats are scared to death of the tea parties. Say “tea party” to a prog and stand back while they look for a piece of furniture to hide under." Neal Boortz

"Of late it has become clear that the Federal Government politicians and bureaucrats are finally becoming very worried about the Tea Party Movement (TPM) revolution taking shape before their very eyes that many of them have denounced as a "terrorist" organization of, "Hobbits." "
 Posted by Ronbo at the Freedom Fighters Journal

Photo above from The Middle-Earth Guide to Campaign 2012  How's this for allegory:
"One ring to rule them all/ one ring to find them/ one ring to tax them all/ and in indebtedness bind them."

Why 2012 Must be a Referendum on Obama’s Policies  "Soon, the phraseology will be how Republicans caused the current economic mess. Nancy Pelosi has already tried to blame the massive mess the House of Representatives created under her leadership on John Boehner."
The Democrats best weapon: sound bites (bytes?) of Republicans attacking each other and quotes from John McCain who speaks more kindly of Obama than he does of the TEA Party. TD

Dumping on the Tea Party ; The "Tea Party Downgrade" slander cannot stand.  "You would think that such an obvious pack of lies from the left would have no chance of gaining traction. Think again: According to Rasmussen, they already have 29% of Americans believing that Tea Party members are “economic terrorists.”
"This cannot stand. We know who started the fire, we know who fed and worsened it with their failed “solutions,” and we know who is utterly out of ideas. Incredibly, fewer Americans are working full-time now than were when the recession technically ended. Democrats and all too many RINO accomplices have had their way for 30 months, and all they can show for it is a frightening trail of misery."

CNN, CBS and NY Times polls show CNN, CBS and NY Times anti-Tea Party Strategy is working  "The mainstream media spends two years calling the Tea Party movement racist, extremist, sexist, terrorist, and hostage takers, and then acts as if negative polling results reflect something wrong with the Tea Party movement rather than their own biased reporting."

Report: Pakistan gave China access to 'stealth' chopper in bin Laden raid

Image: Part of a damaged helicopter is seen lying near the compound where al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was killed in Abbottabad
"Pakistan, which enjoys a close relationship with China, allowed Chinese intelligence officials to take pictures of the crashed chopper as well as take samples of its special "skin" that allowed the American raid to evade Pakistani radar, the newspaper reported." Fox has this.

The Pakistanis and the Chicoms deny the whole thing  "But he said that the technology and design features that enable an aircraft to reduce noise and evade radar are not shrouded in secrecy.
"Countries that examine the wreckage "will not learn much from the remnants of the exploded helicopter that were not already readily available in open literature," Thompson was quoted as saying."

From American Thinker: Pakistan gave China access to top secret copter used in bin Laden mission  "If true, this is a huge intelligence coup for China. Our stealth technology is far ahead of other nations - especially China - and for Pakistan to allow a potential enemy to study an advanced technological innovation is a monstrous betrayal."....
"We won't be sure until we determine whether China has developed countermeasures that could shoot down the stealth copter. No doubt such a system would be a hot item on the international arms market."  Emphasis added.

The price will be paid by forces trying to take out Iranian nuclear sites or resisting Islamist agressionRon Paul, is the US still the guilty party?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Chairman Issa: NLRB a ‘rogue agency’

The Hill  " “The public has a right to know the truth about why a government agency would choose to take action to benefit organized labor that threatens thousands of non-union jobs in South Carolina while setting a precedent impacting manufacturers across the country,” he said. “It is imperative that Congress get complete facts about NLRB’s decision-making process in this matter. Its continued refusal to fully cooperate will not deter this committee as it moves forward in efforts to determine what occurred and to hold NLRB officials to account.” "

Mike Reagan:  NLRB vs. Boeing – Tyranny vs. Freedom  "One of the shameful hallmarks of a dictatorship is the restriction of movement — telling citizens or groups they cannot travel or relocate freely."


Obama Versus Obama

Victor Davis Hanson  " "Corporate jets" and "millionaires and billionaires" are promiscuously lumped in with those earning above $200,000 in annual income, as if the two groups were synonymous and equally duty bound to pay higher taxes. So how can Obama reduce the unemployment rate to below 9.2 percent, given his past deprecations of business and the job-hiring affluent, coupled with his record of new regulations and rules that favor unions and shut down businesses? At this late stage it proves difficult for Obama to coax those whom he once so gratuitously offended and went after."

NORMAN PODHORETZ :  What Happened to Obama? Absolutely Nothing.  "That is why my own answer to the question, "What Happened to Obama?" is that nothing happened to him. He is still the same anti-American leftist he was before becoming our president, and it is this rather than inexperience or incompetence or weakness or stupidity that accounts for the richly deserved failure both at home and abroad of the policies stemming from that reprehensible cast of mind."

Ron Radosh: What Does Obama Believe? Norman Podhoretz Gets it Right " ...our president indeed is a serious leftist, who developed intellectually and politically in the left-wing culture of his time and who believes deeply in its goals and its programs. Democrats have denied this, he writes, but do so only by ignoring or dismissing what Mr. Obama himself, in a rare moment of candor, promised at the tail end of his run for the presidency: “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” "

Rioters, first and foremost, are Democrat Voters

Collins Report  "In an official statement, Milwaukee Aldermen Bob Donovan and Joe Dudzik said the riot had been “…spawned by a culture of violence that has been brewing in Milwaukee for some time,” and which “…has much to do with a deteriorating African American culture in our city.”
"In speaking of single parent homes which provide no supervision and demand no responsibility, failed schools and perpetually high unemployment and teen pregnancy rates, Donovan and Dudzik broke every rule of political correctness, stating facts which liberal Democrats dutifully ignore for fear of alienating a Jesse Jackson or losing the support of Black voters."
....  However in Chicago....
"Contrast the response to events in Wisconsin with what took place on Memorial Day in Chicago when North Avenue Beach was suddenly shut down by city officials.
"The reason for the closing, as announced by far Left Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy and later confirmed by Mayor Rahm Emanuel–an unusually high incidence of heat exhaustion.
"And with the assistance of the Chicago Sun Times and ABC News, Emanuel and McCarthy STUCK to that story in the face of hundreds of reports of criminal acts committed by 1000 or more Black gang bangers who attacked beach goers and destroyed property"
"For those of you complaining about the north ave beach in Chicago closing
 yesterday,  you can thank the gang bangers for that," said one Twitter user.

Police: State Fair mugger targeted whites; 'easy targets'

Philadelphia Mayor Nutter
WLS890am  "Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker was asked on WLS Radio’s Roe and Roeper Show Friday if he thought the crimes warranted hate crime status, “I think it is absolutely outrageous, it is a hate crime, and I would imagine the prosecutor will be very aggressive on this. There is no tolerance whether it’s white on black or black on white, there shouldn’t be any tolerance in general for that kind of problems.”"....
"Police say the teen told investigators whites were chosen because he considered them "easy targets.""

Some real perspective over at  Wake up Black America. This man has courage. But maybe no friends.

Let Tavis Smiley or Cornel West know your thoughts on this, since they have a stake in it all.
"If you don't treat poor and working people with dignity now, chickens are going to come home to roost later," West said. "And it won't be about love and justice. It will be about revenge, hatred, and then we all go under."
Basically, this is a Maxine Waters-style call to riot; "Brothers in the hood, you have our approval to help yourselves to new stuff!