First off, in 2013 Salon Magazine called stories of this President's incompetence "a myth". "Excuse me if I sit out this round of hyperventilating over President Obama’s alleged “incompetence” on matters ranging from the Affordable Care Act roll out to the NSA spying scandal. Because we just played this game last spring." ...
Kafkaesque Governance ; "Increasingly, the federal government relies on arbitrary decisions rather than actual laws."
"Take the Affordable Care Act. When then–House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi told reporters that “we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it,” it was not a one-off comment. Then came the exemptions, and then more exemptions. Along the way, the Obama administration dealt in back rooms, fumbled on religious liberty, and “suspended indefinitely” the long-term-care program that was projected to bring in $86 billion over its first decade — helping supporters claim the ACA would be a budget-saver — before losing money indefinitely."
‘Does Obama Have an Adult Relationship with the Truth?’ "He was allowed to get away with that gigantic load of BS. I rather enjoyed watching him squirm while being (at least) questioned about an obvious lie – but watching the media allow him to get away with it – instead of raising the firestorm of disapproval his countless campaign lies deserved – was decidedly less enjoyable.]"
No room at White House meeting for Ferguson PD, but guy named 'T-Dubb-O' advises POTUS on police-'community' relations "Priorities, priorities. The president who promised to “bring us together” has thrown in his lot with racial agitator Al Sharpton (with blood on his hands from Freddy’s Fashion Mart ) and rap artists like “T-Dubb-O,” who offered this policy insight:" ... Read on...
"Pressed to explain Bell's qualifications for the diplomatic position, the president's spokesman was unable to speak in specifics this afternoon, eventually citing her experience in the private sector as the reason she was selected." ...
Administration Exploits Ferguson to Undermine Race Relations and Rule of Law ... "Isn't President Obama, by depicting Brown as a victim, undermining the grand jury in this case specifically and law enforcement and the justice system in general? Isn't he fomenting further distrust between the black community and law enforcement when it isn't warranted in this case? By taking this position, isn't he exacerbating racial tensions rather than helping to heal them?"