Daily Caller: ‘People Really Go To Jail For Breaking This Law’: Clinton Email Scandal May Have Finally Crossed The Line
. . . “ 'Discussions with Intelligence Community officials have revealed that Ms. Clinton’s ‘unclassified’ emails included Holy Grail items of American espionage such as the true names of Central Intelligence Agency intelligence officers serving overseas under cover,” wrote Schindler." . . .
Obama has Hillary's back in a big way "White House press secretary Josh Earnest insisted that President Obama's endorsement of Hillary Clinton will not "sway" the ongoing FBI investigation into Clinton.
"The statement came after Obama released a video endorsing Clinton for president of the United States.
"Later this afternoon, according to the White House, Obama is meeting with the attorney general. The meeting is "closed press." . . .
"Earnest made the statement in response to questioning from Fox News' James Rosen.The topic of Obama's closed door meeting with Lynch has not been made public. "
Dreamin' with freedomsback |
Some Clinton emails dealt with Pakistan drone strikes "The FBI has made some emails received by Hillary Clinton over a less secure system that dealt with drone strikes in Pakistan a key part of their criminal investigation, according to the Wall Street Journal.
"Occasionally, diplomats in Pakistan and Afghanistan would send the State Department emails over a non-secure server in order to expedite a decision on whether to go ahead with a proposed drone strike. Clinton or one of her aides would then forward the email using her private, unsecured server. "
Anyway, back to that judge...