RedState "Dinesh D’Souza’s new film, “2000 Mules,” which, according to Politifact, “suggests a nefarious conspiracy in which so-called ‘mules’ submitted ballots en masse,” as part of a ballot harvesting operation in six swing states in numbers large enough to have determined the outcome in that state and, therefore, the nation, premiered Wednesday at Mar-a-Lago.". . .
. . ."The film’s findings are based a review of more than 4 million minutes of ballot drop box surveillance film obtained via public records requests and analysis of a large trove of cell phone geotracking data. True the Vote, a nonprofit organization focused on election integrity issues, obtained the data and retained an investigator, Gregg Phillips, to oversee the analysis. Likely knowing that the fact checkers were going to be out in force immediately to attack the credibility of the film and the data presented therein, Engelbrecht set up a plan to have investigator Phillips perform a massive data dump they’ve code-named “ripcord” so all of the information True the Vote has will be publicly accessible.
"Ahh, transparency. What’s not to love?
"Engelbrecht announced the plan in a video posted to the group’s Instagram page.". . .