Tuesday, October 15, 2024

IDF website reveals critical information, aiding enemy attacks on Oct. 7 - report

Jerusalem Post  

A detailed virtual map of training bases, including specific locations such as mess halls, living quarters, and assembly areas, was publicly available on the IDF recruitment site, Mitgaisim. 

"The October 7 surprise attack by Hamas, which claimed the lives of more than 1,400 Israelis, may have been facilitated by critical information published on an official IDF website, according to a report by Kan News.

"A detailed virtual map of training bases, including specific locations such as mess halls, living quarters, and assembly areas, was publicly available on the IDF recruitment site, Mitgaisim. Hezbollah did not need secret intelligence to attack IDF bases, as key details were easily accessible online. According to Kan News, "Hezbollah didn’t need inside intelligence… much of this data was already accessible online."

"The site, operated by Unit Mitav, is part of the IDF's effort to create a transparent and accessible recruitment process for potential conscripts. It offers recruits and their families a comprehensive view of the conscription process, including detailed overviews of training bases, classification procedures, and logistical information like leave schedules. While the site aims to simplify the recruitment experience, it inadvertently exposed sensitive military details that were exploited during the October 7 attack." . . .

Barack Obama’s racist, crude day appearing on Kamala’s behalf

 Andrea Widburg   "In the lead-up to and during Barack Obama’s presidency, we were relentlessly told that Barack Obama was a racial healer and a man of unusual, almost James Bondian suave sophistication. Both were lies. Barack Obama has always been a race hustler and a crude, low-thinking person. Both traits appeared during campaign appearances he made yesterday on Kamala’s behalf, where he made a vulgar crack about Donald Trump and shamed young black men for voting for their interests rather than their skin color.

"Obama’s obsession with race and his determination to impose on America his divisive racial visions were heralded by his long relationship with Rev. Wright, the America-hating, antisemitic preacher, and his more tightly guarded relationship with the truly vile Louis Farrakhan." 

Tony Branco

"Aside from his ferociously racist associates, Obama just kept letting slip those racist statements that belied his 2004 declaration that America couldn’t be divided along color lines (whether political party or race). There was the time he threw his grandmother under the bus as a “typical white person” who doesn’t mean to be racist but still is.

"Or the time when Obama said Ferguson police were racially “oppressive and abusive” based upon the phony Michael Brown narrative or the time he fueled racial hatred after the Trayvon Martin case (another hoax on Americans when Democrats said it was a racial murder) by saying that the gangster kid looking to roll people and get drugs “could have been my son.”

"And who can forget the time Obama said that the police in Cambridge had “acted stupidly” when they arrested a suspiciously behaving and obstreperous Henry Louis Gates Jr.

"If race was involved, Obama happily waded in to stir the pot.". . .

. . ."If black men aren’t voting for Kamala, it’s because they’ve looked at and compared the last two presidencies. During Trump’s presidency, America, generally, and their lives, specifically, were better. They had better jobs, more money, and less competition from illegal aliens. Kamala explicitly promises to give them more of the failed policies that Biden visited on them. They know it, and they reject it. These young men don’t need some effete multi-millionaire to tell them that they’re self-loathing, misogynistic men if they don’t vote the way the millionaire wants.

Obama is not now, nor was he ever, a nice human being. It’s just getting harder for him to hide that fact.

Kamala Harris Spokesman Is Asked About Tensions With Joe Biden, His Answer Says Everything


"How bad are tensions between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden right now? All signs point to pretty bad, and what Harris spokesman Ian Sams said when pressed on the issue might as well be direct confirmation. 

"Appearing on Fox News with Neil Cavuto, Sams refused to dispel concerns when given the opportunity. Instead, he deflected to Donald Trump and Mike Pence before deflecting again when the question was reiterated."

. . ."Something is going on behind the scenes, and it's not hard to figure out why. Biden feels betrayed. He's announced that in no uncertain terms publicly several times. And while Harris has tried to present herself as disconnected from the backstabbing that occurred, she is the one who benefited from it. Senility aside, that's not lost on Biden, who no doubt suspects she helped orchestrate the scheme that forced him out of the race.

"Why the Harris campaign won't just bat all this down is beyond me. It's not as if they haven't lied about dozens of other things." . . .

How can you mend a Biden heart?   . . ."Yeah -- those broken hearts are tough to mend.

"Honestly, I see two real problems behind this feud.

"President Biden is right. She cheated on him by defending his mental acuity on the night of the Trump-Biden debate and then stabbing Joe as soon as the opportunity presented itself. Ambitious Kam was too much for Joe.

"The second reason is that she is not ready for the presidency. Honestly, she may win because some people hate Trump that much. It could happen, but I have a funny feeling that Trump will win because she’s so incompetent.

"So this feud will keep on feuding. And Joe and Jill will leave with a broken heart and a desire to take Kam & Tim down with them."

From The Peoples Cube: Handy Guide to University Codes of Conduct

The People's Cube; Guaranteed Equality of Results

Elite Universities like University of Pennsylvania, Harvard, and MIT have strict codes of conduct to make sure the students respect one another, while allowing civilized and intelligent discussion about their different opinions.

"Legal scholars from these Universities met this week to create the handy guide below.  It was created so students, Congressional leaders, and the average 'they/them on the street' are absolutely clear about what statements are allowed and what are not.

"All Jews should die"
It depends on context, but nearly always allowable in the interest of reasoned debate.

"All Muslims should die"
Islamophobia at its worst - prohibited speech 100% of the time.

"Abortion is murder"
Absolutely false and a violation of the code of conduct.  How can you 'murder' a clump of cells that just happens to look like a human baby?

"Meat is murder"
Not a violation (unless the 'meat' in question happens to be a baby-shaped clump of cells).

"Men should not be allowed to compete in women's sports"
Violation of the code of conduct.  This falls under the Bullying and Harassment section and is therefore prohibited.

"Yeah you f—ing transphobic bitch.  I f–ing see you [Riley Gaines]!"
Not a violation.  The speaker is attempting to educate."

"That's not a woman!  That's just a dude in a dress.  Why do people keep calling him by the wrong pronouns?"
Not just a violation of the code of conduct, but probably a violation of state and / or federal law.

"Make American Great Again"
Ugh, do we really even have to answer this?  NO NO NO.  Most codes of conduct actually have a specific section for this.

"America was founded on racism and all the Founding Fathers were in the KKK"
Allowed.  We can debate the specifics (the KKK wasn't formed until the Civil War and well after the Founding Fathers were already gone), but this is all part of the free exchange of ideas elite Universities are trying to foster.

"Hopefully this eliminates any concerns taxpayers might have about free speech on University campuses."

Monday, October 14, 2024

In Jaw-Dropping Statement, Bill Clinton Admits Kamala Harris is Responsible For Murder of Laken Riley

  Cristina Laila  

. . ."Clinton delivered campaign remarks at a Georgia fish fry of Fort Valley. He admitted Kamala Harris is responsible for the murder of Laken Riley. Is he campaigning for President Trump?" . . .

"22-year-old Laken Riley, a University of Georgia student, was recently murdered by a Venezuelan illegal."

. . ."The illegal alien who murdered Laken Riley crossed into the US on Joe and Kamala’s open border invitation.

"According to an affidavit unsealed, the barbaric savage who murdered Laken Riley “disfigured her skull.”

"Jose Ibarra, the 26-year-old illegal from Venezuela, was indicted on 10 counts. He was also accused of being a “peeping Tom” according to the indictment.

" 'The suspect is also accused of going to an apartment on UGA’s “University Village Housing Building ‘S,’” where he “peeped through” a window and “spied upon” a university staff member on the same day he allegedly killed Riley, the indictment alleges.” Fox News reported.

"In a jaw-dropping statement, Bill Clinton admitted Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are responsible for the murder of Laken Riley.

" 'You got a case in Georgia not too long ago, the young woman who had been killed by an immigrant. Yeah, well if they’d all been properly vetted, that probably wouldn’t have happened,” Bill Clinton said." . . .

Barack Obama’s ‘You Ain’t Black’ Moment Backfires on Kamala

PJ Media

Obama’s messaging was, to say the least, insulting. Like Joe Biden’s “you ain’t black” moment in the 2020 campaign, Barack Obama used race and gender to shame black men for not supporting Kamala.

. . ."Sending Obama out there to boost the black male vote for Kamala was, on its face, desperate, and yet Obama’s rhetoric somehow managed to make it worse. For Obama to insinuate that black men vote based on identity, or accusing them of rejecting Harris solely due to her gender, reveals the campaign’s underlying concern. Obama’s rally speech only underscored his doubts about Harris’s ability to win, as he couldn’t credibly argue that Harris’s policies have improved black lives during her vice presidency.

"Former Democratic Ohio state Sen. Nina Turner blasted Obama’s rhetoric on CNN.

“ 'Why are black men being lectured to?” she asked. “Why are black men being belittled in ways that no other voting group?”

“ 'Now, a lot of love for former President Obama,” she continued, “but for him to single out black men is wrong. And some of the black men that I have talked to have their reasons why they want to vote a different way. And even if some of us may not like that, we have to respect it.”

"Turner, who was the former national co-chair of Bernie Sanders’ 2020 presidential campaign, wasn’t finished blasting Obama.

” 'So, unless President Barack Obama is going to go out and lecture every other group of men from other identity groups, my message for Democrats is don't bring it here to black men who, by and large, don't vote much differently from black women,” she continued. “But this is wrong for President Obama. It is a wrong course for the Harris-Walz campaign to lay at the feet of black men when they have their reasons.” . . .

How the Biden/Harris Admin Helped Iran Get to the Brink of a Nuclear Bomb

 American Greatness

America and the world desperately need a strong and decisive U.S. president to undo the damage done to American and global security by the Biden/Harris administration’s disastrous Iran policies.  

There is no question that the Biden/Harris administration’s Iran policies have been a spectacular failure.

"Iran has made enormous progress in its nuclear weapons program during the Biden/Harris administration and reportedly can now enrich enough weapons-grade uranium to fuel nine nuclear bombs in one month. Although Iran may be nine months to a year away from having an operational nuclear weapon, recent attacks by Iran and Israel against each other’s territory have raised concerns that Iran’s rapidly advancing nuclear program could lead to a nuclear war in the Middle East.

"Biden/Harris administration officials have tried to blame President Trump for the advances in Iran’s nuclear program because he withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, the JCPOA. Democratic Governor Tim Walz made this claim during the October 1 vice presidential debate when he said, “There had been a coalition of nations that had boxed Iran’s nuclear program in . . . Donald Trump pulled that program and put nothing else in its place.”

"This is absolutely false. The huge advances in Iran’s nuclear weapons program are the result of major flaws in the JCPOA and a series of terrible national security policy decisions, including repeated attempts to appease Iran, by the Obama and Biden administrations.

"The first of these bad policy decisions was when the Obama administration conceded to Iran the “right” to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes, such as nuclear medicine and nuclear reactor fuel.This decision reversed the positions of prior Republican and Democratic administrations who believed Iran could not be trusted to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes because of covert Iranian efforts to establish a nuclear weapons program and because it is easy to reconfigure uranium centrifuges supposedly constructed for peaceful purposes to produce weapons-grade nuclear fuel.

"Allowing Iran to enrich its own uranium for peaceful purposes has never made economic sense due to a glut of reactor fuel and nuclear medicine on the world market. Iran also does not need nuclear power due to its vast oil and natural gas reserves.  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu explained this to MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell in an October 2014 interview when he said Iran’s centrifuges “are only good for one thing: to make bomb-grade material.”...

Democrats’ decades of bargaining have only empowered Iran’s tyrannical leaders — and made us less safe 

"From Bill Clinton to Barack Obama to Joe Biden, Democratic presidents have been wooed by the false hope of a “grand bargain” with Iran. It has done nothing but embolden the mullahs and make Americans less safe, Kenneth R. Timmerman writes in his new book, “The Iran House: Tales of Revolution, Persecution, War, and Intrigue,” out now. Here, the senior fellow at the America First Policy Institute, explains how things have gone wrong." . . .

The Importance of Ted Cruz

 Jeffrey Lord; American Spectator   Time to rally for Ted.

"Because Cruz has “authored and joined numerous amicus briefs to the U.S. Supreme Court that defend religious liberty for all — whether it be a Christian wedding, cake artist, a football coach, or even a preschool." 

"As the election season draws to a close, one thing is increasingly clear: The Democrats are targeting Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz.

"And it’s time to rally for Ted.

"The race between Cruz and Democrat Colin Allred is, according to polls, close, with Cruz in the lead.

"But the real question here is: Why do the Democrats and Washington’s elites so despise Cruz? As his website makes plain, Cruz has been nothing if not devoted to serving his state. The site notes:

From the oil fields of West Texas, to the farm lands of the Panhandle, to the United States’ southern border and into space, Ted Cruz has been Texas’ leading fighter for over a decade. Since day one, creating jobs, defending freedom, and ensuring security have been Ted’s priorities. Ted has a proven record of standing up to any politician or special interest group to defend the Lone Star State. Delivering meaningful, bipartisan wins for Texas commerce and transportation, NASA, and more, Ted has worked for every Texan to keep Texas, Texas.

"But there’s more going on here than Cruz simply doing his job for Texas, and doing it well.

"The real problem that is driving Democrat Senate Leader Chuck Schumer crazy is that in addition to taking care of Texas, Ted Cruz is a seriously serious — and smart — conservative. And left-wing New Yorker Schumer and his allies cannot abide a seriously smart, decidedly principled, and more than capable conservative.

"Newsmax (where, full disclosure, I am a contributor) headlines this:

"Sen. Cruz to Newsmax: My Senate Race Is Schumer’s No. 1 Target

Looks like we found the REAL reason Joe Biden put on that ‘Trump 2024’ hat…

 Revolver News

"2024 is shaping up to be one of the most bizarre elections we’ve ever seen. From Biden being ousted in a “soft coup” by his own party, to President Trump teaming up with RFK Jr. and Elon Musk, and Kamala Harris basically hijacking her precious “democracy” to try to steal the White House—it’s been a wild ride. But one of the most interesting aspects of this campaign has been Joe Biden’s reaction to it all. It’s starting to look like Biden is actively sabotaging Kamala Harris. I mean, he actually put on a MAGA hat the day after Kamala’s debate with President Trump. Then he stood in front of the White House press corps and said he and Harris were “singing from the same song sheet” at a time when Team Harris was desperately trying to distance themselves from Biden’s—and Kamala’s—failures.

"And if that wasn’t enough, while Kamala was trying to score political points by attacking Governor DeSantis during Hurricane Milton, Biden was praising the Florida Governor. So what’s really going on? Well, Newt Gingrich thinks he knows. He believes Joe and Jill have teamed up to undercut Harris—and he thinks he knows exactly why.
“We’re in the early stages of watching her collapse,” says @newtgingrich of Kamala Harris. “It’s just my hunch …. that sometime in the last two weeks, Joe and Jill looked at each other and thought, you know, wouldn’t it be a great legacy if Joe’s the only guy ever to beat Trump? And I think the stuff he’s done to undermine her in the last ten days is pretty amazing.” . . .

Video: Harris is not a serious candidate

Let’s face it, Joe might be a mental midget suffering from senility, but he still has enough political savvy to know exactly what he’s doing for the 2024 election. This wasn’t a mistake. As Julie Kelly so artfully put it, Joe’s on a mission to prove that all the coup operators who tossed him aside like yesterday’s trash were dead wrong. That’s Joe’s top priority right now, and that Trump 2024 hat symbolized it perfectly.

Jewish Grandmother, African Farmer, Jamaican Pothead: The Many Accents of Kamala Harris


Rich Terrell

Kamala Harris mocked over yet another 'accent' during Stephen Colbert 'Late Show' appearance (nypost.com)  . . . “ 'JUST IN: Kamala Harris unveils a *new* Jamaican accent as she discusses the importance of empathy,” conservative commentator Collin Rugg posted on X." . . .

WATCH: Jewish Grandmother, African Farmer, Jamaican Pothead: The Many Accents of Kamala Harris (freebeacon.com)   "Vice President Kamala Harris often struggles to articulate a coherent thought, but she has demonstrated a remarkable knack for vocal transformation. Here are just a few of the accents Harris has adopted since taking office in 2021: Latino fisherman, Southern jazz queen, Florida church lady, Chicago community organizer, Jewish grandmother, African farmer, and Jamaican pothead.
"Most recently, Harris debuted a bizarre Eastern European accent during her friendly chat on Tuesday with former comedian Stephen Colbert. Colbert, a partisan liberal who raises money for Democrats, gave Harris another chance to answer a question she repeatedly fumbled during her friendly chat with the ladies of The View: What if anything would she do differently as president compared with Joe Biden?" . . .
Democratic politicians have a long history of using fake accents in an effort to relate to normal Americans.

Only Israel can be attacked by terrorist armies on seven fronts and be labeled by the UN as the aggressor.

  I love Israel
🚨🚨 BREAKING NEWS : The UN wants this video to be removed from the internet, because it caught Hamas-UNRWA employee firing a guided missile from a UN school in Gaza. And they complain about killing of people in schools, hospitals and refugee camps! Follow us more news and facts.…

Let me explain to you the history of the Gaza Strip as clearly you have been misled by the lies and propaganda churned out by Hamas and swallowed hook, line and sinker by the main stream media and ignorant politicians.

When Israel was recognised as a State in 1948 EGYPT took control of the Gaza strip. In case you are unaware of this, Egypt is an independent Muslim country. So Egypt was in control of Gazan Muslims.

Egypt and Gaza share a border, so regardless of whether or not Gazans came into Israel (they did), they had no problem exiting and entering through Egypt. To say nothing of the fact that Gaza is on the Mediterranean Sea with a long coastline.

Egypt remained in control of Gaza until they and five other Arab countries decided to wipe Israel off the map in 1967. Unfortunately for them they failed.

Whilst Israel captured Gaza in 1967 they didn’t want it - but Egypt refused to take it back.

So a few thousand Israelis moved in alongside the Gazans/Palestinians and built State of the Art hothouses and other agricultural ventures which cost millions, which brought work for them and the Gazans.

When Hamas's people visit

The border with Egypt was of course still there, and hundreds of thousands of Gazans came into Israel to work.

In 2005 Israel pulled out of Gaza. That means all the Israelis, including of course many born there. they even dug up their dead. What they didn’t take were the State of the Art hothouses, now a thriving multi-million dollar enterprise.

The Gazans/Palestinians destroyed them in a single night.

Since 2005 hundreds of thousands of Gazans/Palestinians continued to come into work in Israel, whilst - after local elections - Hamas took over Gaza and sent thousands of missiles into Israel.

On October 7th 2023 Hamas sent three thousands evil terrorists into Israel to massacre, rape, butcher and behead innocent Israeli civilians. They also cruelly took hundreds of hostages, including babies, women, children, the sick and elderly.

It then emerged that in the time of a supposed “blockade” the Gazans/Palestinians had succeeded in obtaining enough concrete to build hundreds of miles of terror tunnels, equipped with enough supplies to sustain their “fighters” and had accrued enough weapons to still be attacking Israel and fighting the IDF more than ten months after the October 7th massacres.

So where exactly was this “jail” that was broken out of?

Here are some of the hostages the “brave freedom fighters” took captive. (Click on the pictures to see their innocent faces.)

Are they still alive? No-one knows. Not a single “humanitarian organisation” has made any contact. The UN is silent. The Red Cross is silent. Amnesty International is silent. The courts that deal with war crimes are silent.