Ron Fournier
. . . "Unfortunately, both the White House and the GOP-led Congress seem focused prematurely on 2016. Republicans are sending to the White House legislation they know Obama will veto. The president is pushing an agenda he knows Congress won't pass. It's a recipe for more gridlock, more fighting, more courting of donors and ignoring the needs of a country in transition.
"In other words: The state of the union is the status quo.
If you're OK with that, stop reading. If you'd rather see progress than partisan gains, consider this: The State of the Union address is an opportunity for the president to chart a path toward consensus on issues like jobs, social mobility, education, infrastructure, energy, the debt, the environment, and terrorism.
"Is Obama more interested in politics or progress? Here are five ways to tell from his address tonight." Keep reading...
As a teaser, here is just one of the benchmarks Fournier includes:
As a teaser, here is just one of the benchmarks Fournier includes:
The pronouns: Count how many times Obama uses the words "I," "me," and "my." Compare that number to how often he says, "You," "we," "our." If the first number is greater than the second, Obama has failed. He needs to remember the lesson of Mitt Romney's 2012 campaign: Don't dismiss the 47 percent of Americans who disagree with him.

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