Sunday, April 11, 2010

Is There a Rhyme or Reason to U.S. Foreign Policy?

Victor Davis Hanson "So as the U.S. completes its metamorphosis into a much larger version of the E.U., we should expect to see something of the following: 1.Karzai or Allawi will look more to Iran, which will soon become the regional and nuclear hegemon of the Middle East. ..... 2. Eastern Europe and the former Soviet republics had better mend fences with Russia. ..... 3. The E.U. should finally start on that much-ballyhooed all-European response force. ..... 4. Taiwan, the Philippines, and South Korea should strengthen ties with China...... 5. Buffer states in South America had better make amends with a dictatorial, armed, and aggressive Chavez".....More:

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