Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Obama's "Unilateral Disarmament" is Neither

Reason.com "But the only thing worse than a world with nuclear weapons is a world without them. Why? Because they create a huge incentive for major powers not to attack each other. The danger that a conventional war might escalate to doomsday is so horrifying that no one wants to take the chance. It is impossible to win a nuclear war. So the paramount goal of every nuclear state is to avoid one." . And this: President Weirdo Goes Anti-Nuke "Over Easter, I wrote a post at this space entitled “President Weirdo,” which got a fair amount of attention pro and con. In essence, I proposed that President Barack Obama was psychologically unfit to govern." Roger L Simon. Then this: Obama’s Incomprehensible Nuclear Posture Review By Jennifer Rubin.

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