Sunday, May 30, 2010

President Obama Skips Arlington for Chicago BBQ -- Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam Thugs Skirmish with Secret Service and Press pool

Atlas Shrugs "How did the President of the United States spend his Memorial day weekend? Honoring the glorious dead by laying a wreath at Arlington cemetery?? Not a chance. It is unclear, but he may have pow-wowed with race baiter, Jew-hater Louis Farrakhan, a frequent visitor to the White House. Back in March, Farrakhan blamed the Jews for O's woes."....
"We're outnumbered now by roughly a dozen Fruit of Islam agents for the Nation of Islam. As each casually dressed man arrives, he exchanges elaborate handshake/hug/double air-kisses with others. Two walked by your pooler chanting "Islam.""....
"Some observers will make light of the whole thing — just a little misunderstanding with those weird Nation of Islam guys — but the fact that Farrakhan’s security force is close to the president’s home is likely a matter of continuing concern to the Secret Service. And on Saturday night, the two forces ran into each other."
Farrakhan, press have minor ’stand-off’ in Obama’s neighborhood  "Indeed, notice how one of Farrakhan’s buds vouched for the New York Times and the rest of the press. What more do we need to know about them?"

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