Friday, June 11, 2010

Obama Administration to Support Anti-Israel Resolution at UN Next Week

Weekly Standard  "While UN Ambassador Susan Rice is reported to have played an important role in pushing for U.S. support of a UN investigation, the decision is, one official stressed, of course the president's."   William Kristol
Investigate this  "Despite outward appearances, the Obama administration is not clueless. It has plenty of clues. Let's just say now is a good time to meditate further on Dorothy Rabinowitz's Wall Street Journal column on "The alien in the White House.""
Helen Thomas, Turkey, and the Liberation of Israel  " Israelis should assume by now that whether they act tentatively or strongly, the negative reaction will be the same. Therefore why not project the image of a strong, unapologetic country to a world that has completely lost its moral bearings, and is more likely to respect Israel’s strength than its past concern for meeting an impossible global standard?
How odd that the more the activists, political leaders, and media figures issue moral strictures against Israel, the more they prove abjectly amoral. And the more they seek to pressure Israel, the more they are liberating it to do what it feels it must. "
As in the 1930's, pacifists cause the death of millions .

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