Thursday, July 1, 2010

Obama to call for comprehensive immigration bill at American University

Washington Post "But he is not expected to announce any new policy during the 10:50 a.m. address at American University's School of International Service in Northwest Washington, officials said. Nor is the Justice Department going to announce its decision on a lawsuit in Arizona, where a new law makes it easier for police to detain suspected illegal immigrants.
"Obama officials have been widely critical of the law since it was passed and signed by the Arizona governor this spring. But in the Virginia suburb of Prince William County, about 40 minutes from Washington, local leaders have called for passage of a similar law."

Obama immigration speech will not offer timeline for action "But on the issues of immigration reform and energy, Obama and his aides have said only they would like to do something this year or as soon as possible. In April he conceded Congress might not have the “appetite” to act on immigration this year."

Rep. Stark Mocks Border Security Advocates: Who Are You Going to Kill Today?
 "Rep. Pete Stark, D-Calif., no stranger to controversy, mocked the idea that the borders are not secure when asked about the federal government’s lack of activity on border security."

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