Saturday, August 28, 2010

Healthcare issues

How Obamacare Empowers the Medicare Bureaucracy: What Seniors and Their Doctors Should Know "Notwithstanding official Washington’s promise that nothing would change in the doctor–patient relationship, the PPACA will affect the private practice of medicine and surgery and impact Medicare patients enrolled in traditional fee-for-service Medicare. Millions of Americans have already expressed their misgivings about the new health care law. When the Medicare bureaucracy ramps up its issuance of regulations, they will learn, in detail, that its consequences for them are not quite what its congressional champions have advertised."

Deregulating Health Insurance and Health Care Providers in North Carolina  "Mandates lock in current medical practices and payment methods.36 They limit competition among medical providers and strengthen the position of dominant insurers. As insurers and providers seek assistance from lawmakers, they focus more on political gains than on the market."  Quite lengthy and deals with the relationship of state insurance regulations and the new Obamacare laws.

Government Greed, Not Human Need, Drives the Growth of Medicaid  "Since President Obama took office, Medicaid has been accelerating in the wrong direction, a trend the American people have good reason to resist. The political class is exploiting the economic downturn to increase its control of our health dollars by making more people dependent on Medicaid, which sentences millions to inadequate care."

Via Heritage Insider. Illustration from The People's Cube

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