Sunday, August 29, 2010

Travelling light, Obama-style: 20-vehicle convoy, SWAT team, Air Force One and nuclear codes accompany him on holiday

UK Daily Mail This has been typical of the security given to all recent presidents and not to just Mr. Obama. The only thing peculiar to an individual president is where he chooses to vacation and how often. And what about if the First Couple splits up, going in two different directions? TD
When Do We Get A Vacation?  "Obama still is on vacation. Goodly for him.
"When do we get a vaction from the Democrats' relentless expansion of the federal government into every facet of our lives? The massive pieces of legislation passed in the past 18 months were just the opening shots. Now come the regulations and the Executive Orders, which will take place regardless of what happens in November.
"I don't know about you, but this August has been anything but relaxing. He's resting up, and we're on the verge of exhaustion." Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

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