Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Why did Obama go to Church? To Listen to a Muslim Speak!

Chronicle Watch  But what is widely not reported by the White House and the MSM is that on that particular Sunday in that particular church, Dr. Ziad Asali, M.D., a Muslim, founder and president of the American Task Force on Palestine, was the guest speaker. He was there to speak on the subject of “Prospects of the two-state solution in the Middle-East.” The church:

Obamas Forgo Secular Lifestyle for One Sunday  "There’s no question that aggressive atheism — the kind that weeds prayer out of graduation ceremonies and mandates “sexual education” curricula that fly in the face of religious traditions — are taking their toll on America’s identity as a Godly people.
"It is undeniable that without a firm foundation of faith, our culture will falter — is faltering. Despite billboard campaigns about the inherent goodness of atheists, the fact is that God is the true source of morality. Without God, we’re left with an endless, pointless search for the values and virtues that lead us toward the truth." Marybeth Hicks is the author of Bringing up Geeks: How to Protect Your Kid’s Childhood in a Grow-up-too-fast World (Penguin/Berkley, July 2008).

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