Monday, November 15, 2010

A Failing Agenda Fails (Updated)

Heritage  ...“Obama’s decision to allow the talks to collapse—and make no mistake, the decision was made at the presidential level—was a colossal blunder. It reflects serious shortcomings in his strategic thinking since it will have dramatic repercussions for U.S. foreign policy. Not only does it show the emperor has no clothes when claiming he favors free trade, but unless he can get this back in the very quick order he referenced in Seoul, the U.S. will lose all credibility in pushing other trade issues, such as the nine-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal."...

President Obama's disastrous Asia trip reveals the monumental decline in American power.
By Eliot Spitzer in  Slate Magazine " The president of the United States went as a supplicant to Asia, and he returned spurned and lonely. President Obama's trip to Asia may turn out to have been a more important event than the midterm elections, for it was in Asia that the new world order—and America's diminished place in it—became apparent."  Weasel Zippers photo

Smackdown in Seoul: Obama Gets an ‘F’ in South Korea  "The president has just created a rift with a nation of increasing importance to the United States."

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