Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Obama's press conference

Obama's presser  (Video and sound included)

OBAMA'S FUTURE  "Now think about this for a minute .. these liberals believe that Barack Obama is no longer electable because why? Because he reached a compromise to extend the current tax rates for productive Americans. That's it! He's going to go along with keeping the tax rates just where they've been for the last decade. We aren't even talking about tax CUTS .. we aren't talking about letting wealthy Americans keep MORE of their money, but merely the same amount as they currently enjoy.
"This is the logic of a liberal Democrat. Their entire political-being exists for one reason and one reason only: to seize wealth from the producers and redistribute it to the moochers .. but only the moochers that they deem worthy. " Neal Boortz

In tax defeat, Dems pay the price for old tricks "There's been a lot of talk that Obama is a wimp for giving in to the GOP. Or that he did it out of naked political calculation, trying to triangulate away from those who led his party to defeat on Nov. 2. Or that he has simply lost his touch and is no longer the politician who forged a winning coalition in 2008.
"In fact, the answer is a lot simpler. He just didn't have the votes. Democratic votes."

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