Friday, December 3, 2010

Scotland Yard Will Arrest Assange Friday

Verum Serum  "Scotland Yard detectives were last night preparing to detain the 39-year-old over claims of rape and sexual assault in Sweden."
Wikileaks, The Facts: Part I  "Israeli officials told American government officials:
•Israel is not in a position to underestimate Iran and be surprised like the United States was on 9/11.
•Israel and the United States need to do more to create regime change in Iran.
•IDF operations against Hamas in the West Bank are preventing the terrorist group from taking over the Fatah-controlled territory.
•Israel tried to coordinate Operation Cast Lead with Abu Mazen and Hosni Mubarak."

Wikileaks, The Responsibility: Part II  "Crazy? Maybe. Self-serving? Definitely. Manning says he is talking to Lamo because he "needs to try and figure out how I could get my side of the story out... before everything was twisted around to make me look like Nidal Hassan." He doesn't have to be Nidal Hassan; being Bradley Manning is damning enough.
There is so much more to this story. Who thinks the government will go after all of it - including the hardware, software and, most important, human lapses in the Department of Defense - and who thinks it will just try to hang Manning from the nearest tree?"
Parts 1 and 2 from The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs

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