Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Neal Boortz has Some Random Thoughts on Obama and bin Laden

Nealz Nuze   "So you’re now going to see hear me (or see me) use a phrase I generally try to avoid. That phrase? President Barack Obama. When considering the operation that turned bin Laden into fish food Obama showed himself to be presidential. Maybe it’s early in this particular game, but I can’t think of one single area in this entire scenario where Obama comes in for any legitimate criticism. That may change tomorrow or next week as we learn more ... but for now it’s “job well done, Mr. President.” "....
"Yes … Barack Obama should be praised for making the final call to carry out the mission. He filled the role of Commander in Chief admirably doing what a good CIC does … telling his team to “go get ‘em.”
"But there are still some looming questions and new debates that have stemmed from the news of Osama’s death. Let’s see if we can tackle a few of these … shall we?

President Obama’s Great Victory in the War Against Terror: Let us Praise Him, and Put it in Perspective    "By supporting violence against America’s troops in Muslim lands, the MB essentially defends the al-Qaeda campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq.
"The text also instructs the United States to stop its intelligence operations in Muslim lands, the key source of information that led to bin Laden’s killing. It furthers support the “legitimate resistance” of Palestinian groups against Israel, and tells the U.S. to do the same.
"So while the MB claims to have renounced violence, it has honored bin Laden as a sheikh and called for terrorism against American forces in Muslim lands."
"See the translation of the Muslim Brotherhood’s statement on the next page."

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