Friday, June 17, 2011

Father’s Day and the Importance of Marriage
Heritage "Fathers are essential to protecting the well-being of children and, subsequently, to promoting the stability of society. Being raised by a married father and mother is vital to preventing childhood poverty and the host of social ills related to it. On this Father’s Day, the nation should recommit to strengthening and promoting the institution most likely to help fathers fulfill their crucial role: marriage."

Spotlight on Civil Society: “Courageous” Film Highlights Importance of Fathers  "Recognizing that changing culture’s opinion of men and fathers will take more than a trip to movie theaters, Sherwood Baptist has also developed individual and small group resources to accompany the release of the film. The curriculum and books are meant to encourage men in their roles as fathers and promote the benefits of stable families."  More from Heritage on Marriage and fatherhood

Where Have all the Fathers Gone? A Sobering Challenge for Dads  "Do your children know you to be a worshiper? How would they know? They would see you in worship. They would join you in worship. They would know whether worship for you was something that came out of the fullness of your heart or whether it was just something to get by one hour in the week to get on with the rest of life. When the pastor calls on your home and gathers the children around him and says, ‘Tell me some of your father's favorite hymns,' will they be able to answer? Or if he asks them, ‘Tell me some of your dad's favorite verses,' will they have anything to say? [If he says] ‘show me your dad's well-worn Bible,' will there be anything to pick up?""

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