Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Path to the nomination: Michele Bachmann

Jennifer Rubin  "The New Hampshire debate, therefore, was a shock to many who had lumped her in with Sarah Palin or were unaware of her background as a lawyer, legislator and small-business woman. Gaining credibility in the eyes of the chattering class is an important step that will allow more serious coverage, consistent fundraising and expansion of her appeal beyond core Tea Partyers. But how can she jump from “credible” to first place in the presidential primary?
"She has at least four tasks ahead of her."....

The New Democrat Target...Now It's Michele Bachmann's Turn To Be Demonized   "To those of you who thought Sarah Palin was too damaged by the Obama media hit teams to be a viable candidate, my response has always been that they were going to turn their guns on anyone and try to destroy them just as they did Governor Palin if they felt they were threatening President Obama's re-election. It's how the Angry Left operates.
"Proof of the point surfaces today as Rep. Bachmann surges in the polls, with a barely literate, hate crazed rant in Rolling Stone that focuses on Michele Bachmann's religion her family, and her 'batsh*t crazy views" by one Matt Taibbi. The illustration [left] should save you the trouble of actually reading this trash."

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