Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Taxpayer-funded exhibit slurs GOP govs as Nazis

American Thinker  ""Artist" Sean Michael Stimac has released his piece, "The Faces of Fascism," for display at the Marquette (Michigan) Arts and Cultural Center.  In it, Republican governors Walker, Kasich, Scott, and Snyder appear on a Nazi-style propaganda poster with the visage of the Third Reich's eagle, and in its talons is not the swastika, but the Republican Party's token elephant."
From the comments section:
Republican governors who are working to keep their promises to clean up Democrat messes made in their states are Nazis, huh?  In the meantime, another Democrat executive takes over two out of three players in a major American industry (as in GM and Chrysler), takes over the country's financial sector and takes over the health-care system and he is clean-and-pure as the wind-driven snow!  Who is looking more like Nazis, Republicans or Democrats?  Bear in mind, the word "Nazi" is a contraction for the German translation of "National Socialist" and socialism runs through Democrat veins.
Glad to see the writer used the word "Democrat" instead of the official name of the party. It's less of a misnomer.

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