Thursday, September 1, 2011

Why Al Qaeda is Unlikely to Execute Another 9/11

STRATFOR  "It must be remembered that simple terrorist attacks are relatively easy to conduct, especially if the assailant is not concerned about escaping after the attack. As jihadist groups such as AQAP have noted in their online propaganda, a determined person can conduct attacks using a variety of simple weapons, from a pickup truck to a knife, axe or gun. Jihadist ideologues have repeatedly praised Nidal Hassan and have pointed out that jihadists operating with modest expectations and acting within the scope of their training and capability can do far more damage than operatives who try to conduct big, ambitious attacks that they lack the basic skills to complete."
But whatever terrorists do, there will be many who will insist the US government was actually the cause of it.

 "The cartoon was posted on al-Shamouk, a genuine al-Qaeda-linked Web forum. But, Kohlmann and others note, it didn’t come through the official media arm of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, known as AQAP. "It didn’t even come from a well-known figure within the group.
Forums like Shamouk are basically huge bulletin boards, making it relatively easy for anyone to contribute."
"Raisman said they’re pleased that the cartoon has inspired fears about the recruitment of children. 
"They are also probably quite happy for the publicity."

Doesn't this poster make you want to blow up an airplane?

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