Friday, December 23, 2011

Biden vs. Obama

Bill Kristol  " In one of my few real conversations with President George W. Bush, I was struck by the degree to which he seemed always to have given thought to this question: How would what he said, and what his subordinates said, affect the morale of those fighting for our nation, and their families? Bush was willing to say something that wasn’t politically advantageous—and not to say something that might have been—if he thought this would adversely affect the spirit of those he had the honor to command.
"If only some of our current leaders were as careful."
"First, [Biden] clearly gave no thought to how this would sound to those who have fought the Taliban, and to the families of Americans killed and wounded fighting the Taliban. Indeed, many of these young men and women were sent to Afghanistan to fight the Taliban by his own administration. Does Biden not understand the affect on our troops and their families of his statement? Are there not other ways he can justify negotiations with the Taliban, if that is his administration’s preferred course, than by saying those who against whom our young men and women have fought life and death battles are not our enemy?"   blab·ber·mouth:  ...a person who talks too much, especially indiscreetly.

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