Thursday, January 5, 2012

Yard Signs Tell the Tale in New Hampshire;

PJ Media  Barack Obama is in big trouble next November.   "Drive through New Hampshire in the next week, and you will see a staggering number of Republican yard signs. They’re everywhere: It seems like every third house has a sign up. They’re on front yards and in the windows of businesses. They’re in every neighborhood representing every demographic. They’re in front of homes along rural roadways, in front of suburban homes in the big southern towns, and in the conservative blue-collar neighborhoods of Manchester.

"And there are even Republican yard signs all over the capital city of Concord — a largely Democratic-leaning town in this swing state."

"Now count the Republican yard signs. Signs are not polling data, and they are certainly not election returns, but a yard sign is a definitive measure of three things: Support (obviously); intensity; and –  most importantly  — a voter’s willingness to make his political opinions known to his neighbors. A yard sign — especially in a “hostile” environment — is a symbol of political courage, a sign of an impending shift in public opinion.
"The early returns from the yard sign tallies are in: Voters in New Hampshire want their neighbors to know that they are voting Republican this year." 

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