Monday, February 6, 2012

Yes, TW can profile; Here is wisdom from a few African-American Conservatives

On every TV channel we are subject to the racist rantings of black (and white) leftists that leave us with a picture of African-Americans who seem to be cartoonish, ill-informed demagogues. We are deluged with the shallow thoughts of Sharpton, Jackson, Clyburn, Sheila Jackson Lee, Maxine Waters, Louis Farrakhan, Tavis Smiley et al and we wonder if there is any other line of thinking among blacks. Our encounters out in public show most to be not angry, but warm and friendly and a pleasure to converse with, a strong contrast with those the news channels use to make "good TV". 
Here is commentary from a few of the many African-American conservatives that stands in sharp contrast to the racialists paraded daily before us on TV.  
For those who wish to call my words "racist", I will be prepared to publish words of all those listed above for the consideration of all. TD

Thomas Sowell:  Is Anybody Serious?  "Whether you are a Democrat, a Republican or an independent, this is a very serious and historically crucial time for the United States of America. What Mitt Romney did or did not do when he was with Bain Capital, or what Newt Gingrich did or did not say to his ex-wife, are things that should be left for the tabloids.
"With the economy still faltering and Iran on its way to getting nuclear bombs, surely we can get serious about the issues facing this nation. Or can we?"  Related: The Florida Smear Campaign 

This excellent illustration from Black Quill and Ink

Conservative Black Chick:  Eat, Pray, Love and Be Black but Don’t Be a Republican  "Unlike whites and Hispanics, blacks claim another phenomenon– black ambassadors sometimes loosely called “our leaders,” who speak on behalf of “ALL blacks and their black issues.” If you think Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Cornel West, etc. you get it. (Of course this is despite the fact, many blacks don’t call these clowns our leaders but somehow the liberal media trots them out over and over as the voices of black people. Again, as if all us blacks think alike or rather are incapable of thinking and have to have ambassadors tells us what to think and how to vote.
"If this wasn’t enough monolithic brainwashing to make you sick, gird your loins."  More, including this tweet ostensibly from Cedric the Entertainer...

From WAKE UP BLACK AMERICA: " MSNBC Analyst Melissa Harris-Perry compared Governor Jane Brewer to a white segregationist who talked down to kids?  As always with MSNBC, it's all race, all the time, 24/7".

1 comment:

Ronbo said...

Leftists are angry and low I.Q. people - Americans of color are no exception.

In contrast, the Rightists are calm, cool, collected and above average in intelligence.