Sunday, April 1, 2012

More surprises found in Obamacare bill

Rick Moran over at American Thinker:  "This discovery by GOP staffers in the senate deals with the long term costs of Obamacare. And what they found was chilling."

"The more we learn about the bill, the more we learn it is even more unaffordable than was suspected," said Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, the Republicans' budget chief in the Senate."The bill has to be removed from the books because we don't have the money," he said.   Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, the Republicans' budget chief in the Senate.
"I might also point out that all this extra spending we've been finding in Obamacare comes before any of the hundreds - perhaps thousands - of new regulations are promulgated that will implement the more than 100 boards, commissions, and panels that will oversee the massive program. Those regulations will have the force of law and will likely add huge costs to health care providers and patients."

Justice Sonia Sotomayor's Shocking Ignorance "The percentage of American people who took their son or daughter to an emergency room and were turned away because the parent didn't have insurance is exactly zero
"No person, whether American or not, is ever turned away from an emergency room for lack of health insurance. Ever. 
"This simply does not happen."
Bear in mind, the source of her information is not from real research but  -we must assume- Democrat sources. TD
Editorial Cartoon

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