Monday, April 9, 2012

Rev. Wright unleashed; sees “white supremacy” driving “world policy” (Updated)

Update: Jeremiah Wright: Yes, Obama Heard My Radical Sermons For 20 Years…
“I’ve been preaching the same way since I was licensed to preach in 1959, ordained in 1967. Barack was in elementary school when I was ordained. CBS, ABC, MSNBC and Fox News spent $4,000 each buying 20 years of my sermons so they could hear what Barack Obama heard for 20 years.” (Video)
Rev. Wright: Clarence Thomas Is Worshipping Some Other God | White Supremacy Drives World Policy
Obama mentors Rev. Wright
and Bill Ayres

His controversial words took aim at Thomas Jefferson, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, the media and plenty of other targets.
"Last week, Wright spoke at Metropolitan Baptist Church in Charleston, West Virginia, as part of a week-long revival event. His controversial words took aim at Thomas Jefferson, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, the media and plenty of other targets."

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