Friday, July 13, 2012

Alan Caruba; "Executive Tyranny"; If this doesn't make you want to vote Obama out of office, please do not have children

Warning Signs  "A study, “Profiles of Perpetrators of Terrorism”, commissioned by the Department of Homeland Security identified the following characteristics of potential “terrorists.”
# Americans who believe their “way of life” is under attack;
# Americans who are “fiercely nationalistic (as opposed to universal and international in orientation)”;
# People who consider themselves “anti-global” (presumably those who are wary of the loss of American sovereignty, opposed to the United Nations, etc.);
# Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority”;
# Americans who are “reverent of individual liberty”;
# People who “believe in conspiracy theories that involve grave threat to national sovereignty and/or personal liberty.”
Do you find yourself described in this list anywhere? 

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