Sunday, October 28, 2012

GAFFNEY: The real reason behind Benghazigate

Washington Times  Note that this article uses words such as "suggests", "appears", "what cries out for further investigation... is whether..." and, of course, "it seems".  Bear that in mind as we wait to see if this story grows past this one column. TD
"What cries out for further investigation — and debate in the remaining days of this presidential election — is whether this shipment was part of a larger covert Obama effort to transfer weapons to our enemies that could make the Iran-Contra scandal, to say nothing of Operation Fast and Furious, pale by comparison."
...."In short, it seems President Obama has been engaged in gun-walking on a massive scale. The effect has been to equip America’s enemies to wage jihad not only against regimes it once claimed were our friends, but inevitably against us and our allies as well."
Other related links below are from a Townhall printing of the previous article.
Clare Lopez; 
Arms Flow to Syria May Be Behind Benghazi Cover-Up
"According to August, 2012 reports leaked to the media, sometime earlier in 2012, President Obama signed an intelligence finding to permit the CIA and other US government agencies to provide support to the Syrian rebels, whose ranks are reported to be dominated by Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood and other jihadist fighters who already are supported by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and other jihadist regimes. Was Belhadj a conduit for U.S. support, perhaps via Turkey?"

"Similarly, the Obama administration is currently aiding the rebels fighting Assad’s regime in Syria amid widespread reports that al-Qaida jihadists are included in the ranks of the Free Syrian Army.
During the revolution against Gadhafi’s regime, the U.S. admitted to directly arming the rebel groups."

Bret Baier's Fox report links Libya and gun-running in this report: (video)

Hat tip to Harley Standlee; Placerville, CA

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