Friday, November 9, 2012

U.S. Amb. to Saudi Arabia: U.S. Foreign Policy Will Change After Obama Victory

Weekly Standard  "The U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia, James Smith, told the Arabic news outlet Asharq Al-Awsat that American foreign policy will now change after President Barack Obama's reelection. Smith made the comments at an election night party at his residence.

"Ambassador Smith "stressed the desire of President Obama to resolve a number of foreign issues, most notably restoring negotiations between the Israeli and Palestinian sides, responding more strongly to Iran, and working with allies to end the Syrian crisis, in addition to providing support for the new governments in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya, and assisting the current Yemeni President," Asharq Al-Awsat reported.
"The ambassador appears not to have elaborated further.
"Obama was famously overheard promising the Russian leadership more flexibility after he was reelected by the American people. It now seems Obama believes he will have more flexibility in the Middle East, too. "

1 comment:

Ron Woodward said...

The thought of this reality has plagued my conscience for the past few weeks, as we drew near to Election Day. As rumors began to circulate that the Obama Administration was about to make a major breakthrough in negotiations with Iran, and that was being heralded as the possible "October Surprise," I became starkly aware of how alone Israel must feel. Now, this morning's news is that we are no closer to a negotiated end to our standoff with Iran, because they see no reason for dealing with Obama because they believe he has not been fair with them. Once more, we become starkly reminded of how Obama's foreign policy has failed and how Israel has been abandoned by current U.S. leadership. I stand with Israel and pray for their future. I will not change my stand on this issue.