Monday, December 10, 2012

If only our president respected America as much as he does the UN

Morning Bell: Stop Meeting with the U.N. on Climate Change  "Two days ago, the 18th United Nations conference on climate change wrapped up. As they did at the previous 17 conferences, developing nations demanded that the United States and other developed countries pay them for the climate’s effects.
"In short, the joke’s on us. And these U.N. conferences are becoming increasingly irrelevant.
"Poor nations, including small islands, are seeking a new “international mechanism” to have developed nations pay for storm damage to their countries. This is based on the assumption that global warming is causing stronger hurricanes, typhoons, and the like, which is still unproven."
So, not only we taxpayers pay for half the American population to stay home on the dole, we would supply kitchens, homes and graft to every small nation that blames global warming for their damages.

Lord Monckton -the man Al Gore refuses to debate -mocks UN Climate Conference  "Ridicule is our strongest weapon to break through the media-generated web of lies and distortions undergirding the progressive movement. There are so many phonies in the global warming industry that mockery has no limits, if only conservatives have the creativity and will to have at them satirically."

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