Thursday, December 13, 2012

NBC Editor Denounces “Religious” Part of Christmas

Todd Starnes   "“I don’t like the religion part,” said Nancy Snyderman, the network’s chief medical editor. “I think religion is what mucks the whole thing up.”

"The “religion” she was referring to is celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.
"The outburst came during a panel discussion with Matt Lauer, Star Jones and Donny Deutsch. Her response came after Jones said she focuses on the religious meaning of Christmas.
"“That’s the only reason why — that’s the only reason for me to have the holiday, quite frankly,” Jones said.
"“No, I don’t like the religion part,” Snyderman countered. “I think that’s what makes the holidays so stressful.”
"Instead, Snyderman said she wanted to focus on green trees during the yuletide season.

Yeah, we could really enjoy Christmas if it wasn't for all the Jesus stuff. The whole world loved Christmas until the Jews screwed it all up.

Hat tip to The Brenner Brief, which also posted this related column:
Christmas: Freedom ‘From’ Religion or ‘Of’ Religion?  "If someone wishes me a Happy Hanukkah or Happy Kwanzaa, am I going to cry out in protest and offense? No, I will thank them, and wish them the same, even if it doesn’t coincide with my personal beliefs. Can we not be open-minded enough to allow everyone the opportunity to not only believe as they choose, but to express those beliefs? Are we too busy crying offense that we detract from one’s own cause of promoting religious freedom for all?"

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