Monday, December 3, 2012

Sandra Fluke: Too much for even the earth to bear

Conservative Daily News    "We are just days away from finding out who the 2012 TIME Person of the Year will be. You may be surprised to know that one of the 2012 “candidates” – if chosen as Person of the Year — is literally “too much for even the earth to bear.”
"The Person of The Year is considered the person who “most influenced the news this year for better or worse.”
"Sandra Fluke, the now-infamous disgruntled Georgetown student who is outraged that the Catholic University “does not provide enough access to birth control pills for female students”, is a candidate for the title this year. Ms. Fluke is described by TIME Magazine as “the target of conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh’s vicious rants.” The magazine goes on to say, “Conservatives painted Fluke as the epitome of liberal entitlement; to liberals, she was a victim of the right’s war on women.”
"Victim? A more accurate description is that she is “the political prop” for “The War On Women’s Brains”."

From Heritage; United Nations Declares Contraception Access a “Human Right”
"While access to contraceptives may be a serious policy concern for groups like UNFPA, to label it a human right is to devalue the very principle of rights. Declaring it to be so is to cheapen the very serious need to defend true human rights—rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The principle of natural rights delineates those fundamental freedoms that government can neither create nor take away."

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