Saturday, February 23, 2013

Things to consider

Americans Paying $900 More A Year On Gas Under Obama
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
MSNBC, Other Liberal Media Use Another Selectively Edited Video-This Time Smearing John McCain  "The video shows Caren Teves, whose son was killed when spree killer James Holmes attacked a midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises, asking the senator about assault weapons. “These weapons don’t belong on our streets,” she says.
"The video then cuts to McCain responding by saying, “I can tell you right now you need some straight talk. That assault weapons’ ban will not pass the congress of the United States.”
"However, a simple YouTube search finds the full video, uploaded by user “PoliticoMafioso,” of Senator McCain’s town hall meeting, including his entire response to Caren Teves’s question:".... 

Whoa: Columbine Survivor Pens Powerful Letter to Obama on Gun Rights  "This open letter is a must-read -- not only for the case it lays out, but because of its author's personal history (click through for the full, unedited missive):"
The evidence is very clear pertaining to the inadequacies of the assault weapons ban. It had little to no effect when it was in place from 1994 until 2004. It was during this time that I personally witnessed two fellow students murder twelve of my classmates and one teacher. The assault weapons ban did not deter these two murderers, nor did the other thirty-something laws that they broke....
MIchelle Malkin;  Why Do Democrats Hate American Manufacturers?
".As an Ilion local official noted, “Remington is not only a major employer, but it’s a historic employer. It’s been part of our very fiber for 200 years.” "

Blackfive; Guns and Coffee at Starbucks "In the 12 states with unfettered rights to “open carry” a gun, including Virginia, and the 16 others that are mostly open carry, Starbucks has rebuffed attempts by gun control activists to keep guns out of the national coffee shop chain. "
Michael Ledeen; Shut Up or I’ll Kill You   "The protectors have it half-backwards, at the very least. It’s fine and dandy to provide security for those at risk, but the “hate speech” rules and laws give wrongheaded protection — moral and political protection — to those who incite violence against their critics. Nobody, and no group, should be sheltered from criticism, even vulgar criticism. Not Jews, not Muslims, not neocons, not liberals. Nobody. As it is currently played, the free speech game is wildly biased in favor of those demanding that their critics be silenced or punished.
"These are the fruits of the wrongheaded doctrine of multiculturalism, the misguided notion that all cultures are equally worthy of respect — especially those that attack the core values of Western civilization."

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