Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Among the mourners of Hugo Chavez are...

Weasel Zippers listed these:

Jimmy Carter (worst-president-ever-emeritus)
"So unlike Jimmy Carter to coddle enemies of America… yeah, maybe not."

The morbidly massive Marxist Michael Moore  "Oddly, Moore doesn’t mention Cuba’s healthcare system (the one he fawned over in his movie “Sicko”) not being able to save Chavez."

Oliver Stone  "I mourn a great hero to the majority of his people and those who struggle throughout the world for a place."

Sean Penn " The Hollywood actor Sean Penn has paid tribute to Hugo Chavez. “Today, the people of the United States lost a friend it never knew it had. And poor people around the world lost a champion. I lost a friend I was blessed to have.” He also says Venezuela and its revolution “will endure under the proven leadership of Vice-President Maduro”."

NY. Rep. Jose Serrano whose performance we can check here.
Of course, people from San Francisco  "The Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) remembers Comrade Chavez in San Fran:"...

Socialist Hero Hugo Chavez Amassed $2 Billion Fortune… "Somehow makes Michael Moore’s pro-Chavez rant even more absurd."

Howie Carr at the Boston Herald does not concur with all of the above. Says he:
“President Chavez cared deeply about the poor … while some of the wealthiest people on our planet have more money than they can ever reasonably expect to spend.”
"Damn right, comrade! Es verdad. For the 
record, according to 2011 tax filings, Comrade Joe made $901,236 from Citizens Energy and related corporations. His lovely bride, Beth, grabbed another $346,764. 
Total: $1,248,000."
"It was a sad day for the moonbat community.
The People’s Republics of Cambridge and Amherst rushed to lower their flags to half staff first. A spontaneous candlelight vigil erupted in Muddy River. Funeral dirges played endlessly on the NPR stations..."
Hugo’s Hagiographers   "Not all liberal outlets were so uncritical of Chavez in the aftermath of his death, however. To its credit, the liberal news site ThinkProgress published a highly critical piece, entitled “Why Democrats Shouldn’t Eulogize Hugo Chavez.”
"The real shame, though, might be that such an article even had to be written."

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