Wednesday, March 13, 2013

MyJihad campaign spreads across America

Very effective PR campaign and one we wish we could believe represents Muslims worldwide. However I cannot get the images out of my mind of Muslims dancing in the streets over 9-11 and over the death of the Israeli shuttle astronaut . TD is a public education campaign that seeks to share the proper meaning of Jihad as believed and practiced by the majority of Muslims. Jihad means "struggling in the way of God". The way of God, being goodness, justice, passion, compassion, etc. It is putting up the good fight against whatever odds or barriers you face in your life. It is a central tenet of the Islamic creed that has unfortunately been widely misrepresented due to a) first and foremost, the actions of Muslim extremists, b) attempts at public indoctrination by Islamophobes who claim that the extremists are right and the rest of us are wrong, and c) a selective media that understandably focuses on the sensational."... 

Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs sees MyJihad in a different light and has placed ads countering it's representations in several metropolitan areas including San Francisco.  The ads sponsored by AFDI use the words of the jihadis themselves:
"Those are hateful words, to be sure: “Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah.” They come from Hamas, and it would be impossible to overstate the evil of that organization. For just one example, check out this post on how Hamas teaches kindergarteners in Gaza. How hateful can you get?"

....This is one of the most perverse reversals of common sense ever. Praising the killing of Jews isn’t hate speech, that is perfectly fine! But exposing the fact that Hamas advocates killing Jews–that is “hate speech,” and “Islamophobic bigotry” which “good people” are obligated to condemn! And those who seek to let people know that Hamas views Jew-killing with unalloyed favor are “well-known hate extremists!”
Video; Palestinian children taught to anticipate end of Israel on PA TV

Savaged for Daring to Name Savagery: Pamela Geller Attacked by Critics of Free Speech  "Pamela Geller, conservative commentator and blogger provocateur, is the executive director of the American Freedom Defense Initiative.  AFDI created and paid for an ad campaign to run in several urban transit systems, in response to anti-Israel ads that ran in the same spaces.

Pamela Geller on CNN: Erin Burnett cuts segment at Hamas-CAIR description, Audio secretly taped:
(At about the 8:57 mark in the interview.)

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