Monday, June 10, 2013

City of San Francisco funds religious place of worship

Thomas Lifson  "Perhaps you, like me, assumed that the City of San Francisco, California would avoid any governmental sponsorship of a particular religion, and would never house a place of worship of a specific religion on its own property. And if such government sponsorship ever came to light, you would be certain that the ACLU and the atheist activists would raise their voices in protest.

"But not when it comes to Islam.

"The San Francisco Chronicle's investigative duo Matier and Ross tell us:"....

San Francisco Airport uses public money to construct prayer space for Muslims 
"The top comment (as of this writing) on this SFGate sums up the main problem with this: "So we have to remove any reference to god from the pledge of allegiance, federal court houses, federal buildings, and who knows where or what else? Yet we can build Muslims a place to bathe in a federal airport so they can also pray on federal airport property? What the $&@? are we doing? The same group of people who are telling us that the Koran tells some of them to kill innocent people, even their own women and children?" " 

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