Friday, July 5, 2013

Neat NSA cartoon

I just can't get too worked up about the government keeping track of postal addresses and phone calls that they are not listening to. For years-and you have seen this referred to in police dramas- checking telephone "LUDS" helps in police work ( though it has become less controlled than it once was).
This is the reason you see few cartoons and articles on the subject in the Tunnel Wall. However a relative posted this on his Facebook page and I thought it too funny not to use:

Having said all that, phone tracking can be a dangerous weapon in the hands of those who advocate a strong central government and who have no qualms about using it to stay in power.
Obama and Democrats have demonstrated that they are sophisticated in the use of electronic means to win elections; we have certainly seen how powerful government agencies such as the IRS will be used against Obama's political enemies and that his supporters are his willing, compliant enablers..
Hat tip to Don Standlee Jr., Arlington, TX 

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