Friday, November 1, 2013

Insurance Companies Threatened by Obama Administration

More photosnark from Rich Terrell. 

“Insurance Companies Being Told To Remain Silent About Obamacare Policy Terminations; Executives Say They Fear Retribution,” Ace writes today:
So here is the game: the White House wrote regulations to insure that the maximum number of people were terminated from their old policies, thus intentionally breaking its oft-made promise.
The White House and Democrats now wish to claim it’s the insurance companies who are doing this. 

The insurance companies would like to say that this isn’t true — that the White House is forcing them to do this, and furthermore, that they warned the White House that Obamacare regulations were forcing huge numbers of terminations — but the White House demands they be silent and take their scapegoating.

This has been the way this president works. From 2010: Obamacare silences health insurers. Sebelius threatens companies that speak out of turn    "Mrs. Sebelius tells insurers that she will show “zero tolerance” for insurers who “falsely” blame premium increases on Obamacare, and promises aggressive action against those who do:" Full article here
Obama blames 'bad apple' insurers for canceled coverage

Bob Laszewski who heads the Health Policy Strategy Associates, a consulting firm for big insurers, and an outspoken critic of ObamaCare, says he is getting calls from these executives who want him to speak out, Anderson, for them about the problems because they feel defenseless against the White House PR team. Laszewski told me today, “The White House is exerting massive pressure on the industry, including the trade associations, to keep quiet.” Sources telling us they fear White House retribution. 

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