Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Despicable: Dem group sends gotcha tracker to funeral

Thomas Lifson  "Progressives understand very well that they cannot be honest about their political agenda, and that in order to win they need to demonize Republicans. This systematic program includes generalized propaganda (Republicans are mean! Republicans are racist! Republicans are stupid!) that media allies blanket the public with, in news programming and in popular culture, but it also includes a program called "trackers," which consists of following Republican candidates around and videotaping them, hoping for a gaffe that can be trumpeted throughout the media." More after the break.

Stupid Republicans help out with material like this:

Democratic opposition research organization American Bridge apologized on Monday for sending someone to follow New Hampshire Republican Sen. Kelly Ayotte at a funeral this weekend, after a reporter and the New Hampshire Republican party attacked them for the move." ...

Democratic opposition research organization American Bridge apologized on Monday for sending someone to follow New Hampshire Republican Sen. Kelly Ayotte at a funeral this weekend, after a reporter and the New Hampshire Republican party attacked them for the move...  Read more:

Democrats have a practice that becomes something more like stalking.  "Republicans whose homes have been videotaped say they understand that politics is a contact sport and that every public utterance they make is fair game. But, they argue, filming a home — and posting actual addresses — ought to be off-limits, if only out of respect for their families and neighbors."

Democratic stalkers; Posting videos of private homes crosses the line

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