Saturday, December 7, 2013

Ted Cruz and Mike Lee being vindicated on shutdown

Thomas Lifson   "The GOP establishment is loath to admit it, but the government shutdown is turning out to be a brilliant political chess move on the part of Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee. The Obamacare disaster, fully predictable by anyone who understands the effect of incentives and the fundamental incompetence of academic theorists and left wing ideologues, has made the go-for-broke attempt to stop it an obvious profile in courage. "

.... "President Obama's promise that it will not be repealed "while I am president" makes his ego the problem, and Democrats who support him become equally culpable."

Related: Play Him as He Lies   " Fortunately, there is a way out for those whom our president has liberated from those embarrassingly flawed, “bad-apple” schemes. “So if you’re getting one of these letters,” he said in that “better put some ice on it” way he has with people of all ethnicities, “just shop around in the new marketplace.” Only he could make it sound like the marketplace he shopped around in during his Choom Gang binges."

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