Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The lawlessness of President Obama

Charles Krauthammer: An outbreak of lawlessness  "The violence to political norms here consisted in how that change was executed. By brute force — a near party-line vote of 52 to 48 . This was a disgraceful violation of more than two centuries of precedent. If a bare majority can change the fundamental rules that govern an institution, then there are no rules. Senate rules today are whatever the majority decides they are that morning."

This is one more big step toward the US being a third-world nation. The stuff that banana republics are made of.

...."As of today, the Senate effectively has no rules. Congratulations, Harry Reid. Finally, something you will be remembered for."
"A Senate with no rules. A president without boundaries. One day, when a few bottled-up judicial nominees and a malfunctioning health-care Web site are barely a memory, we will still be dealing with the toxic residue of this outbreak of authoritative lawlessness."
Even more on Obama lawlessness   ... "Professor Jonathan Turley, George Washington University Law Center (h/t Hot Air), testimony before Congress:
People of good faith can clearly disagree on where the line is drawn over the failure to fully enforce federal laws. There is ample room given to a president in setting priorities in the enforcement of laws. A president is not required to enforce all laws equally or dedicate the same resources to every federal program. Even with this ample allowance, however, I believe that President Barack Obama has crossed the constitutional line between discretionary enforcement and defiance of federal law.
 Barack Obama: Above the Law or Just Lawless?   "To date, Barack Obama’s presidency has been characterized by many things, not the least of which has been a display of arrogance usually reserved for full-blown dictators like Hugo Chavez or crazies like Al Gore. And his personal haughtiness has been more than matched by members of his administration who have followed their fearless leader lockstep down a path of government expansion and economic implosion."

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