Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Return of the Queue/ It’s been the death knell of every progressive effort.

Charles C. W. Cooke    ... " If he has the time and the stomach, the president could do worse than to read the story of the 1979 British general election. The Right’s post-rationalizations notwithstanding, Mrs. Thatcher’s ascent was not primarily a sign that the British had been magically converted to the charms of privatization, free markets, tax cuts, and a strong defense, but that they were sick and tired of what socialism had done to their country and that they were reluctantly prepared to give the other side a shot. To her immense credit, Thatcher recognized this, and she made sure that her branding focused more on dissatisfaction with the status quo than on her own ideology. The Conservative party’s election-season message was pitch-perfect for the moment: Showing a snaking line of people outside an unemployment office, giant posters across the country featured three simple words: “Labour Isn’t Working.' ”

Obamacare’s Lessons in Government Failure    "We conservatives are always on about the “unintended consequences” of government programs, but we didn’t expect the Obama administration and congressional Democrats to provide such a vivid object lesson.

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