Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Has your Rep signed Congressional letter against Israel academic boycott?

Legal Insurrection
U.S. House of Representatives Chamber
"I reported last Friday on the draft Bipartisan Congressional letter to denounce academic boycott of Israel.
"The letter reads, in part:
We write in strong opposition to the American Studies Association’s (ASA) recent decision to boycott Israeli universities and academic institutions. While ASA has every right to express its views on policies pursued by any nation or government, we believe that the decision to blacklist Israeli academic institutions for Israeli government policies with which ASA disagrees demonstrates a blatant disregard for academic freedom….
Even more concerning is the singular targeting of Israel for boycott. Like all democracies, Israel is not perfect. But to single out Israel, while leaving relationships with universities in autocratic and repressive countries intact, suggests thinly-veiled bigotry and bias against the Jewish State.
"As of Friday, there were 36 signatories. As of yesterday, the number had risen to 57.  [Update - see list at bottom of post for most current numbers and signatories]
"The final signature list should be released later this week.
American civil society has been heard loud and clear, with major academic organizations and 190 University Presidents (as of this writing) rejecting the academic boycott.
"Now it is the time for American political society to be heard against the anti-Israel academic boycotters, as well.
"Is your House Representative on the list of signatories? If not, now is the time to reach out to their offices and find out why not." ...

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