Thursday, January 2, 2014

De Blasio’s inauguration was a left-wing celebration.

John Fund at NRO;
"Bill in the China Shop: ‘We Won’t Wait, We’ll Do It Now’"
"We all knew we were in for something completely different when the inauguration of self-described “progressive” Bill de Blasio as New York’s mayor began with a keynote from pro-Communist activist Harry Belafonte. 
"The speeches finally over, the crowd went into City Hall to celebrate the arrival of the New Progressivism. I noted that Bertha Lewis, the former national head of the scandal-ridden ACORN “community-organizing” group, was an honored guest. ... ACORN had long sought to put de Blasio into the mayor’s office. “Without exaggeration, ACORN’s long-range plan since 2001 was to elect de Blasio mayor,” the insider said. “De Blasio was a big ACORN project.' ”
Would this be a good place to mention that Unsurprisingly, Most Convicted Felons Prefer Democrats?
Jake Tapper Reports on Impression of ‘Bitter Partisanship’ and Exclusionary Tone of DeBlasio Inauguration   "CNN host Jake Tapper reported on Wednesday at the conclusion of the inauguration of New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio that many left the ceremony with the impression that the new administration would be anything but inclusive. He reported on the feeling apparently shared by some, including former members of Mike Bloomberg’s administration, that DeBlasio’s inauguration sounded a note of “bitter partisanship.' ”

Journalists Tingle as Bill de Blasio's Inaugurated in New York City With a 'Progressive Jamboree'   "The "Bill de Blasio moment" will be a good opportunity to separate the true socialists in the media elite from the more conventional partisans who worry that the Democrats will be pushed too far to the Left to be electable. After all, journalists never tire of suggesting the Tea Party is too far right to help the Republicans. Why wouldn't they suggest de Blasio is a similar danger for the other side?"

Oh, yeah; de Blasio's wife

crowd cheering

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