Monday, January 6, 2014

Polygamy and Phil Robertson

The American Culture  "It seems that those who championed the redefinition of marriage to make gender arbitrary are now starting to get exactly what they said wouldn’t happen, the old slippery slope to polygamy. It is of course the logical conclusion of their position, and with a recent court ruling on polygamy in Utah the conclusion is coming to fruition. You can find the details in this WSJ article titled, “America’s Polygamous Future.”

"I can’t tell you how many articles and blogs I’ve read over the last several years where someone who was arguing for redefining marriage to include people of the same gender argued just as strongly against polygamy. Their problem is that it simply can’t be had both ways."
In sum:
... "So my question: since marriage is now obviously a malleable social institution, is it not unfair and unjust to outlaw polygamy? By what principal would anyone be able to say polygamy should be outlawed? What makes two so special that marriage should be limited to that number? If marriage is open to definition I dare anyone who supports same gender marriage to prove otherwise?"

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