Monday, February 3, 2014

Reading assignments: What about the Obama-O'Reilly interview before the Super Bowl?

Full interview here. Speakers on.

Super Bowl: Obama Blasts Fox News In Testy O’Reilly Interview
Obama Super Bowl Interview
... "Earlier, the Fox News host interrupted Obama with a “you’re not going to answer that?” as the President replied to a question about why he didn’t fire Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius after the botched online launch of Obamacare." ...Via Drudge.
Video: Obama Says Scandals Keep Resurfacing Because Fox News Promotes Them   Via Drudge

Big Journalism claims: President Obama Fumbles Super Bowl Interview with Bill O'Reilly  ... "It grew increasingly painful, and even embarrassing, when Bill read a question from a woman who asked why Obama found it necessary to "fundamentally transform" the nation. As Breitbart News reported, his response suggested that he was not even aware that he had made such a statement, and O'Reilly reminded him that those were his own words." 

Ann Althouse didn't care for O'Reilly's interrupting That is the same reason I have trouble watching the guy interview someone I really want to hear. But in Obama's case, you are almost forced to as Bret Baier found out when the President filibustered each of his questions. If you have two minutes to interview Mr. Obama, he will make sure to take the full two minutes to sidestep your question, then our time will be up. TD
Anyway, here is Ms. Althouse's intro to her piece:
"Here's Bill O'Reilly interviewing Barack Obama. Full video and transcript at the link. I'll just excerpt the part about the IRS scandal, and I invite you to consider — in addition to the substance — whether this kind of interruption is unacceptably disrespectful or justifiable to prevent the interviewee from running out the clock with propaganda:" (Transcript of this question follows)
Obama denies 'even a smidgen' of IRS wrongdoing in O'Reilly interview 
"To me, the biggest story of the Bill O'Reilly interview with a slippery Barack Obama was the president's absolute denial of "even a smidgen" any IRS wrongdoing:"
...."Isn't he signaling his campaign donor heading the investigation that there is to be no finding of corruption allowed?"  Thomas Lifson

Obama Battles O’Reilly in Pre-Super Bowl Interview: ‘You and Your TV Station’ Push Benghazi, IRS  via Lucianne  "The tensest moments came on Benghazi, with the host and the president talking over each other and at times sniping at each other.
“ 'Your detractors believe that you did not tell the world it was a terror attack because your campaign didn’t want that out,” O’Reilly said. “That’s what they believe.' ”

Baier, Fox and Friends Respond to Obama Interview: IRS, Benghazi Are ‘Fox’s Fault’? Video of interview.  

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