Thursday, February 6, 2014

The "Oh, Really?" Factor (Updated)

"Sunday's "Superbowl Interview" between Barack Obama and Bill O'Reilly proved to be every bit as frustrating and pointless as conservatives expected it to be. The good news is that O'Reilly actually asked some tough and legitimate questions. The bad news is that Obama not only didn't provide any meaningful answers, but dismissed the credibility of the questions themselves by suggesting that Fox News promotes the alleged "scandals" surrounding his administration for ratings."
"But what's hugely disappointing, albeit not at all surprising, is how the interview has been subsequently portrayed in the mainstream media. Far from pointing out the president's lies and evasiveness, many outlets have reported that the president "smacked down" O'Reilly and Fox News as serial liars."
Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley

UPDATE: You're wrong, Mr. Obama, the IRS is corrupt   "In the aftermath of an IRS targeting scandal that may have influenced the 2012 election, in the midst of criminal and congressional investigations, while civil litigation is pending in federal court, before a single deposition is taken and while the IRS clings to tens of thousands of documents, the president of the United States has spoken. His meaning is clear.

"Move along, nothing to see here." ...

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